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Inherent Risks Launches Ukraine Travel Risk Management Portal

When Inherent Risks first developed the Ukraine Risk Map in May 2022, it was to solve an immediate problem for insurance brokers and underwriters.

They needed to be able to quickly and easily identify the level of risk associated with locations across Ukraine, in a dynamic and asymmetric war zone, so that they could determine if insurance cover was available (and at what price).

Since then, Ukraine Risk Map has become widely used around the world by brokers, underwriters, multinational corporations, international NGOs and foreign governments as a trusted Travel Risk Management and journey planning tool.

With so many visitors each month (over 41,000 to date), our mission was to enhance the user experience of the previous Risk Map by creating a completely free-to-use destination online where visitors can find all relevant travel safety information for Ukraine.

For frequent (and return) users of our Risk Map, you will see that we have changed how Risk Zones are categorised. Of note, medical evacuation, crisis response and personal accident cover IS now available in the Red Zone.

It has even been featured on CNN, BBC and Sky News, is referenced regularly by the Ukrainian Government and World Bank when discussing and planning Ukraine Recovery and Reconstruction, and is linked to countless organisations’ Risk Assessments and Duty of Care policies.

After several months of product development, we are extremely pleased to launch - an intelligence-led, interactive, easy-to-use, and frequently updated tool for users to identify Risk Zones, keep up-to-date with country information, and be informed of serious incidents that may affect them.

Along with this launch, we have updated our Ukraine medical evacuation and crisis response Membership website, where medical evacuation and crisis response cover can be purchased online.

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